
Power bank design

Our design philosophy revolves around seamlessly integrating our portable power banks into people’s everyday lives, catering specifically to individuals engaged in various activities, including tourists.  

Drawing inspiration from contemporary design principles, our power banks embody a modern aesthetic that effortlessly blends with the dynamic lifestyles of our users. Through meticulous research and development, we have achieved an ergonomic fit that caters to the diverse needs of our customers. 

Station design

Inclusivity is a core value we embrace wholeheartedly. We firmly believe that everyone, regardless of their physical abilities, should have access to our power bank stations. Therefore, our design team has taken great care to create power bank stations that are accessible and user-friendly for individuals in wheelchairs and visually impaired users.  

Style design

The design style of U’Charge is modern. It consists of a clean, simple, minimalistic style that has a high resemblance to technology. The aim is to have a minimalized design for the necessary functionalities by removing distracting features. Our design evokes a comforting feeling to our customers.

The instructions of our product service system in our stations and power banks should be easy to understand and recognizable. The design experience should be reliable and secure.  We want to provide our customers with a powerful and comforting brand image. A visual representation of our brand image can be seen in our brand image collage.


The U’Charge logo incorporates the U from our name and was initially inspired by the station itself.  
We also decided to place the logo on the station on all the sides, as this leads to having it being seen from all the sides, enriching our brand image 

Colour palette

The color palette chosen for our brand image and the products, overall match our vales. The color blue in specific transmit next to the image of technology also the value of power and comfort. 

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Power Bank Design

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Station Design

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UI Design

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