Instruction Design

Defining where instructions are needed

In our product service system instructions can be given in multiple places. First we had to define all the possible places where people could interact with the product or service. This included making the hubs, installing them, maintaining them, interaction of the users with the hubs, using the app to purchase and follow tours, activating hubs and scanning AR stickers. The focus point was put on the instructions for the end user.

Instructions in the app

In the app that provides the service, the users should get an explanation how the product service system works. The actions in the app are explained when logging in and before starting a tour. The information is split up so the user is not overwhelmed with information and to get the right information at the right time. The user can always find the instructions back in the help menu. The instructions in the app can be seen on the right.

Design to prevent instructions

A good design does not need much instructions because it explains itself. Our goal was to make understanding of the design logical to the user. The user should be able to find the hubs in the town easily and know what they are for. This also means making sure people know what the design is not made for. The hub is meant for people following the tour so they can see the artifacts and listen to the story while being able to sit down and look around them. The benches are not meant for others to rest for a longer time or eat, or young people to hang around. For this reason we did not include a table and did not make the benches too comfortable. Also in the roof above the bench there will be a led light strip that turns on at night when someone sits there. This allows you to follow the tour when it gets darker but also scares the ones that want to hang there at night off.

The language

To have the instructions well understood, we used Simplified technical English. The user group has a wide range, from children to elderly people with smartphones. The instructions in the app should be simple and clear to be understood by both.