Infographics & Product Communication

Showing your work in a professional manner

The tool infographics was mainly used in two parts of our project. First of all, the infographic used for explaining the design rationale of our project. The page consists of several icons where you can hover over to reveal more information. The design allows for more information on a smaller page. The page can be found here.

Secondly some of the skills taught to use for creating video infographics were used in the 2 minute pitch video. Some text animations were used and the general design style of the app was implemented into the video.

In the future the tool could also be used

In the future the tool could also be used to create explanation posters about the functioning of the app. Or to create a map of either the Netherlands or Europe that shows all available cities. The explanation poster would have instructions on what you can do with the app and how to use it. The map could be made when more cities become available to show a quick and handy oversight of all possible tours.