User Interface Design & Simulation

Making a neat and structured interface

The tool user interface and simulation was used in large part for the app and in a lesser way for the website. For the app a user experience test was held with the first version of the app. In the figure below an overview can be seen of the first version. In the test users were given several tasks with paper mockups to review the layout of the app. After this test the layout was improved and created in Adobe XD.

Before the mockup was created several styles and layouts were explored. An example style collage can be found below in figure 2. These styles were in some part used inside the app. After several iterations the final version of the app can be found here. For a more in depth explanation of the app you can visit the App Design Page.

The information that was given during the tool was also used to create the layout of the website. A not too complex setup was used, while still being self explanatory and simplistic. No user tests were executed with the website.