Mediation Theory

This model shows two things: 

  • How humans affect the world using technology

  • How the world affects humans through technologies which actively shape our perceptions.

Technological Mediation is a theory linked to Design Ethics which  suggests that technologies coshape how we experience the world as well as how we act within it. According to mediation theorists, technologies play an active role in what we do and how we do it, which is known as the existential dimension of the technology. They also play an active role in how we sense the world around us, which is known as the hermeneutic dimension of the technology. The framework of technological mediation allows us to  acknowledge and analyze these roles.

Considering this, it is important to predict the changes in behaviour or experience brought on by our solution. For this, we needed to have an in-depth understanding of our stakeholders and take a critical stance on how the design could affect them, both positively and negatively.

It is important to remember that, while the wellbeing of refugees is the primary focus of every design choice we make, it is impossible to predict with perfect accuracy how our product will affect them and their environment. As you can see, technology plays a central mediating role in the relationship between people and their environment. For this reason, it is essential that we not only focus on intended interactions between our product and its user, but take a critical stance on what the unintended interactions may be. We must constantly be aware of how our design choices may potentially put our stakeholders at risk or make their lives more difficult. This approach is central to responsible design as it inspires technologies that not only carry out their core functions, but are appropriate for their target users and empower them to live easier, safer, and more autonomous lives.
