About Us

Femke Zijderveld

Material Science expert

My name is Femke Zijderveld and I am 19 years old. Just like the rest of my team, I am a first-year student of Technology, Liberal Arts and Science (ATLAS) at the University of Twente. During the project, I have really enjoyed working with a group of students with a variety of talents and interests. My personal area of expertise is material science.This is why I have done my deepening about the chemistry of biodegradable plastics. The knowledge I have gained about this subject has helped the team decide on the materials we will use for the product.

Freek Vercammen

Design Expert

My name is Freek and I'm 19 years old. In this project with my fellow students, we set upon a journey to find a socio-technical problem. In this challenge I'm the design expert, I spent my time making drawings and for my deepening looked at how to make Solar still realistic. The technicalities of desalination, and benchmarking are the research fields of my deepening. Even though this is a challenge for university, still pushing to make this design really was a pleasure.

Iordan Nikolov

COVID-19 Expert

Hey, there! I am Jordan - a student of the programme Bachelor of Science in Technology, Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Twente. During semester fall 2020/2021, I worked in a team of amazing people with broad scholarly interests and high motivation for excellent performance within this project. My academic contribution to the project’s solution is the epidemiological analysis of camp Moria regarding SARS-CoV-2. The findings in the scope of my deepening highlight how our solution will affect the transmission of COVID-19 in the refugee camp - based on mathematical predictions and insights about the physics of transmission of the disease. Briefly, our solution has great potential to reduce infections with the novel coronavirus in the camp while also minimising queuing and providing our stakeholders with fresh, drinking water.

Isaac O'Sullivan

Financial Expert

Hey! My name is Isaac O'Sullivan. Like my teammates I am studying a Bachelor of Science in Technology, Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Twente. I've really enjoyed working on this project to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in Camp Moria. Being able to apply what I have learned about engineering and design thinking to such an urgent issue has been a continuing source of satisfaction. I have enjoyed contributing to this project through my role as financial advisor and through my research into areas such as Design Ethics, Technological Mediation, Frugal Innovation and economic sustainability.

Kayla Veldkamp

Stakeholder expert

Hi, my name is Kayla Veldkamp, 19 years old and a full-time student at University College Twente, where I follow the bachelor programme Technology, Liberal Arts & Sciences. During this semester project I have mainly been working on the stakeholder side of our design. I explored the life and context of our stakeholders, researched how our solution can help them and how to make them engage with our solution. To make sure our stakeholders are represented I have been deeply involved in every different part of the research and design phases. Besides focussing on the stakeholders I have been diving into regulations and standards and different design theories. Within the team my main role was to provide information on the stakeholders, to bring all the different fields of expertise together and to think outside of the box.
