Team Project

Designing a centralized natural workplace: An intervention design project​

The healing power of nature on the human mind has become more and more recognized in recent literature. The fact that nature can boost people’s mental and physical well-being also has not gone unnoticed by companies who aim to improve the work performance of their employees. By creating green office spaces, companies aim to make use of these healing properties of nature, and bring them indoors. This paper shows a new innovative office design, including a blend of natural and virtual nature, to create immersive environments that in the end enhance teamwork. A theoretical framework gives insight into the possibilities of incorporating nature in office settings and their effects on mental states. After, a pioneering intervention for the design of green offices is elaborated. A widescreen that spans around half of the office is one of the main features of the design. The screen has various functionalities that help connect employees to create deeply engaging experiences, similar to those in nature, even when some work remotely.

Click here for the final paper.

Example sketches of possible office layouts: