• Room features
  • Furniture presets and selection
  • Customize modules
  • Your module plan

Planning the furnishing of your room has never been easier! Follow these 3 easy steps to design your way to modularity.
To start off, we’ll need to define the constraints of your room. Firstly, sketch the layout of your room, and dimension it correctly. Then, add your doors and windows to the layout. Make sure to as precise as possible when dimensioning and placing everything to ensure your furniture will fit!

Now we can start adding furniture. This step will help you assemble your entire room very quickly by dragging and clicking to place our so-called presets; combinations of modules that can be placed all at once. Don’t worry, these can be edited in detail later.

Almost there! Lastly, you can add and position individual modules, and even alter their appearance and functionalities. For example, you could alter what type a module is, but you can even edit its color or style. Now you can also alter some of the presets you might have chosen and customize them to be more to your own liking. You can also add any accessories that you would like to have in your room.

Great job, it seems like your creation is feasible to build! Looking good! Time to pick a subscription and finalize our transaction!