About us

Our vision and mission
We envision a world where no one has to worry about basic needs such as safe water. A world that enables everyone to shape their own future. A world where everyone respects each other and collaborates as equals, and where no exploitation of other countries, cultures, and individuals exists.
We strive to improve the quality of life in underprivileged areas through innovative and responsible solution development. By creating access to safe water to communities in the Ethiopian lowlands, we hope to promote health during the COVID‑19 pandemic and beyond.
Meet the team
As a group of students in the ATLAS Honours program at the University of Twente, we focus on interdisciplinary solution development. Combining our expertise in technology, science, social science, and philosophy, we strive to create innovative solutions that consider every aspect of the problem. Within the framework of the Design challenge of the Semester Project, we spend the last three months developing a potential solution for the water problem in Ethiopia, which is significantly amplified in the times of COVID‑19.


The connector

Jorijn keeps the team on track. She aks critical questions, which leads to thinking outside of the box. She works in all seperate fields, asists the team and connects all seperate expertises. With these qualities, she co-build this website.


The allrounder

Kaspar is the highly motivated, enthusiastic and hardworking allrounder of our team. With his expertise in the hydrology and context of Ethiopia, as well as his knowledge about the technology behind our product, he ensures we get the best solution possible


The creative force

Merijn is the creative force of the team. Her skills in sketching bring our ideas to life while her enthusiasm keeps us going during difficult times. From exploratory concepts to the final prototype, her sketches are invaluable to the design development process.


The storyteller

Pookhao’s expertise in Design philosophy ensured that we keep the possible influences and mediations of our product in mind. Thereby, and with his beautiful storyboards, he helps us to envision and shape the interactions of the users with our product.