Projects portfolio

Photoshop Project

High School - Vincent van Gogh

This was part of a photoshop project we did in art class. On the left you can see our recreation of the last supper. When you click on it you will see our "scary pictures". When you study these pictures you will find some disturbing elements, such as non belonging hands and peering eyes. This project was done with three students.

Research Project

High School - Vincent van Gogh

In the last year of high school we had to construct a research project. My partner and I were asked by our school to design something for the, at that time, empty garden behind the school. We designed a garden that would attract bees, but that would also be used by students. We designed this garden for bees in light of the recent dissapearance of the species. In the pictures on the left you can percieve how we pictured this garden. The report, that was written in dutch can be accessed at the link below. The school was quite content with our final product and is still working to impliment this design.

View Report

Introduction to Industrial Design

University of Twente

The BarbeCube is both a barbecue and a small fireplace for students. You can see it on the left, and when you click the image you will see a video of how the prototype folds. This way the students could, for example, fit it in their smaller cubboards and use it on their limited balconies. This way the product allows their flexibility. This project was done with six students.

Concept Creation

University of Twente

This project was designed in the style of Landrover. It is a concept for a lemon squeezer. The product had to be portable and ergonomic. The mechanism works with gears. When you squeeshe the sides, a horizontal gear will make the next gear move as well. This causes more reactions and thus the cap will turn, allowing you to squeeze your lemon. A visual model and drawings can be seen on the left.

Concept Realisation

University of Twente

Here we detailed another concept of a lemon squeezer until we obtained a prototype. This prototype, which you can see on the left, was made in the working place at the University of Twente. This prototype was fully functional; it's gears made it possible to actually squeeze a lemon.