
The evaluation of the prototype and its results can be found here. We also reflect on the extent of our product and how it could expand on the market in the future.

Evaluation of the prototype

Meeting the students (2)

In order to properly evaluate the design, we asked to have a meeting with our case owner’s students. In this co design session four students as well as the two case owners were present. Both the workshop and App that have been created were tested on different factors, to satisfy different needs and wishes. Thanks to this meeting we could look at the design of the workshop and the app interface from the perspective of different stakeholders.
Students tested the app
"I was very intrigued by the glasses. I thought it was a great way to imagine what my teacher sees. Now about the app, I am not sure how much I would use it, since I think I can just make sure to say my name before raising my hand."
Geert Berg

Disclaimer: the following interview has been translated

Background information about the students: The students of Rosalie have had seven weeks of lectures, twice per week for two hours. There are on average 25 students per group and there are two groups. The students are in their first year.

The student of Mijke is in his fourth year and is currently writing his thesis. He sees her once a week for an hour. They have 10 to 12 students per group and there are two groups.

What do you know about the situation of Rosalie?

The vision is explained as the inverse of tunnel vision, Rosalie called it ‘helicopterview’. It is especially difficult that they cannot look you in the eyes. When she is teaching she knows most of the lecture, but sometimes she has to zoom in or ask students what is on the slide. In practice she teaches very well and she helps the students well. She uses tools to help her, for example, a laptop-stand and text to speech on her laptop and phone. She doesn’t recognize us but when she hears our project name she knows who we are.

What do you know about the situation of Mijke?

I feel that Mijke does recognize you, but that this does take energy. She remembers how you talk and your characteristics. If students sit in the back of the classroom it is more difficult for her. Mijke is not really using tools that support her. Mijke has to look really closely when she is writing or when she looks at her phone.

We then explained what the project entails and what the concepts are. We started with the workshop and then had them experience it.

Would you prefer the workshop be divided into three sessions or one longer session?

I would rather have three different sessions, otherwise you might miss a significant part of the first lesson. The chances of someone missing the whole workshop is also lowered. Two sessions of 15 minutes is also a possibility.

The students then put on the glasses and experienced it, we also asked them to look at each other.

Now I understand why they cannot recognize faces.

You can recognize clothes of each other but not the faces. I’m really looking at what the hair looks like and the general shape of someone.

I can already empathize better and it really shows that it is worse than I thought. It is really fuzzy.

I find it a useful activity to empathize better. It is best to only put on the glasses for a few minutes as it is quite intense and afterwards Rosalie or Mijke can explain more about it.

The second activity with the glasses was recognizing famous people. With the glasses on we showed them different celebrities on the laptop.

Every face only one of them recognized a face and that person had to be really close to the screen. They would prefer to have a conversation with eachother than recognizing faces on the screen as this would be far away for students sitting in the back. Doing it in a group could work as a way for the students to get to know eachother. The teacher is also looking at people in the physical world and not on the screen.

Do you think the workshop would help you?

For sure! You can empathize way better and I would be more inclined to say my name when I ask a question.

Application: (General feedback)

It is not completely clear where you are in the app. More clarity regarding where you should click as a student would help. A button to return to the start would be good. Look in detail at the contrast in the app as this could be improved.

Would you use the app?

If it helps my teacher I would use the app. I would prefer using the app over saying my name every time I have a question. For some it could feel akward to say their name everytime they have a question, the app would solve this.

Having the attendance list in the app is a really good option. This is sometimes a problem in class when students do the attendance.

Wizard of Oz Method

To test the layout of the workshop and the app more than their content, we executed a wizard of Oz testing that simply meant acting out the workshop and the use of the app. (Using our laser-cut glasses and figma prototype for the app)

The results of this testing can be seen through the concept video available on the home page.


