
Project Designing for Specific Users revolved around co-designing a product for a person with disability, where they are directly involved into the decision-making process and testing of prototypes. This is done by co-designing methods such as interviews, activities that document the scenarios where a product can support them and other observations. 

In this case, the co-designer has been diagnosed with vascular dementia after suffering from a TIA, a series of mini strokes that restrict the flow of blood into the brain temporarily. Due to this condition, they now attend a day-care for dementia patients that presents them with the opportunity to take part in various activities.  Going into this project, an initial meeting was set up where the objective for the coming weeks was stated and how the co-designer would be involved into the process. Furthermore, the expectation for the group had been to develop a product collaboratively with the case owner which would support him with a struggle that they face through their disability. Due to their personality and their determination regarding helping themselves, they expressed that they did not want or need a product of that sort. This attitude is underlined by their determination shown when they regained the ability to walk and the awareness of the fact that keeping their mind active to counteract the further progression of the condition.

The following persona is based on the co-designer, it is meant to paint rough a picture of the of what the team took into consideration during their design process.








Aaron Kone is a retired engineer who has traveled extensively for work. He is married and has children. One and a half years ago, he suffered a TIA (transient ischemic attack) that resulted in vascular dementia and caused him to lose his ability to walk. However, with dedication, he has since regained his ability to walk. Aaron is a determined and goal-oriented individual who values physical and mental fitness.   Goals Aaron's primary goal is to remain independent for as long as possible. To achieve this, he actively works to maintain his physical and mental fitness and prevent his condition from worsening.


To stay physically active, Aaron enjoys taking longer walks. He used to be an avid volleyball player enjoying the competitive and social aspect of it, but his condition now prevents him from playing. Instead, he has taken up model building and puzzle-solving as a way to keep himself mentally fit and occupied.

Social life

Aaron has been regularly going to a day care farm specialized in helping people suffering from different mental disabilities since his TIA.

Personality traits

Aaron is a determined, independent, and goal-oriented person who values physical and mental fitness. He is also a social individual who enjoys spending time with others who share his interests.


Aaron's condition has presented significant challenges to his independence and physical abilities. Despite these challenges, he remains determined to stay active and mentally sharp.