The concept

My Bunny Friend

A virtual and physical friend that keeps you company and plays physical and digital games with you!

Background Project

The project is about co-designing a product that will support a specific user with a disability in their daily life. The co-design has a Human-Centred Design approach which is a problem-solving technique that puts real people at the centre of the product development process in order to make products that meet the needs of the specific user. The user is the co-designer and will therefore design together with the designers onto the product.  

In this case, the user is a person with an intellectual impairment. In this report the name Laura is used but this is not the actual name of the user. The whole process from research to solving the problem and developing the final product can be divided into 3 phases. These 3 phases show the development of the co-design methods, problem definition, design challenge and the actual product. It can be seen that with time, more and more information emerged and that the idea of how to solve the problem became clearer.


Here the Final Concept will be shown and explained. Besides that, a list of requirements, the concept video and photos can be seen. Lastly, there will be an conclusion and reflection.